Friday, September 12, 2008

The Democratic National Convention 2008 - Barack Obama's speech

I watched the speech that Barack Obama made at the Democratic Convention 2008 about 2 weeks ago and I was deeply affected by it. Truth be told, I've never been all that interested in politics. But when I watched the speech that Obama made, I was strangely drawn in. I listened intently to what he said and I actually believed him when he declared that he was going to bring about change in America when he became president.

When Obama spoke, everyone listened. The lexis in which he delivered his speech was confident, assured without a trace of doubt in his voice. He stresses the need for change every once in a while during his speech and stops talking when required to drive his point home. Judging from the cheers from the audience when he talks about his plans to improve the health care system in America and stop the war in Iraq as soon as possible, his speech obviously relates to them well and they are responding to it with fervour. The audience also starts to boo loudly when Obama speaks of George W. Bush and his failed policies over the past 8 years.

Obama makes good use of logos - the appeal to reason by mentioning that once he becomes president, he will end America's dependency on oil from the Middle East over a span of ten years. He reasons that John McCain has refused to invest in any renewable energy and today America imports triple the amount of oil as the day that Senator McCain took office.

When Obama talks about issues such as students studying while working or the difficulties of women when it comes to starting their own businesses, he relates a personal story of his own. His use of pathos is effective as it appeals to his audience's emotions. Obama mentions during his speech that when he sees students studying while working, he is reminded of his own mother and how she raised him and his sister on her own while she worked and earned her degree. When the audience hear that, they feel for him as well and trusts in the fact that he will do his best to solve the issue.

Obama has all along been speaking out on the issues that will define America in the 21st century. He makes good use of ethos in his speech when he says: "I get it. I realize that I am not the likeliest candidate for this office. I don't fit the typical pedigree, and I haven't spent my career in the halls of Washington. But I stand before you tonight because all across America something is stirring. What the nay-sayers don't understand is that this election has never been about me. It's been about you." He appeals to the audience by being modest when he talks about his lack of experience and that he doesn't fit the typical pedigree for presidential candidates.

All in all, his speech was a roaring success. I believe that after hearing that speech of his, even republicans would probably change their mind and vote for him instead.



silent reverie said...

It's interesting. Today i was catching up with a friend and we did talk briefly about this. We agreed when giving a speech, Obama seemed more charismatic than McCain.
I have not seen the McCain speech at the Republican National Convention, but this presidential election is really going down to the wire, it's so close!
My dad feels Obama is all talk and no substance. Something tells me that that isn't true. Then again, sometimes the right people for the job don't get elected because they couldn't get the popularity votes. I hope that doesn't happen to Obama.

Jeanette said...

unlike you, i did not follow through the campaigns.

personally, i felt that Obama is a very down-to earth man as well as a candidate. it must be due to all the positive articles about him that i have read.

Obama have said a lot of stuff that others can relate to and garnering more supporters in the midst of it. being a good orator definitely helps a lot.

i am not so sure of the changes that he has so openly stated and his dreams for America, too many leaders have been all talks but no work which made me quite skeptical of the promises that he mentioned.

especially now with the financial crisis that america is facing right and that China is emerging, will the americans choose a leader who seems to be more genteel than agressive?