Sunday, October 26, 2008

5 Friends Vote

"I vote because I fell in love, and I wanted to matter."
- Neil Patrick Harris

We cannot deny the effect that the media has on us. Whether it's watching an advertisement on television, briefly pausing to glance at a poster while walking on the streets or hearing the DJ talk about something on the radio, in one way or another, we are bound to be affected by them.

Let's refer to the above video. The video was created as a series of public service announcements to encourage the youth of America to vote. The non-partisan PSAs, produced by DiCaprios Appian Way, were created to engage and inspire young people to vote and participate in the upcoming election.

The clear use of the media to send a message out to the masses can be seen from the video. Well, all of us (especially the younger generation) are somewhat influenced by the celebrities we idolize or admire. Imagine seeing your favourite actor/actress on television smiling and persuading you to buy a certain product. A good example would be those skin care and make up ads you frequently see on television; wouldn't you be at least a little swayed by the celebrity in the advertisement's good skin into wanting to purchase that particular brand of skincare endorsed?

In this video, the media is used to create awareness for the importance of voting for the youth of America. Instead of simply airing this PSA on television, the makers decided to put it up for free viewing on YouTube instead. Why? Well, it's pretty obvious how much time youths spend online nowadays. I daresay, they may even spend more time online than sleeping. To most of the youths of America, the Internet is probably their main source of media and are greatly influenced by things they see or read about online. Thus, it was a smart move to air the video on the Internet.

The tactic that the makers of the video went for was really smart. In addition to using celebrities as their spokespeople, they went for 'reverse psychology' instead of the traditional "Please do this - do that" preachy method which probably serves to bore most people.

"Don't Vote. It's Ridiculous! You don't care, I don't care."

"I'm voting because when I was growing up, my father told me that if you don't vote, then you have to shut up."
- Will Smith

In a way, the agenda-setting function of the media was applied in this video too. The important issues of why everyone should vote was addressed such as Darfur, the war in Iraq, education and the economy. Other major issues that were mentioned in the video constantly were the abortion and gay rights issue. Are these necessarily the most pressing or important issues in America and really the main reasons why American citizens should vote? Well, that brings us to how selective the media gatekeepers (people who control what issues to address) are.

Media influences can be good or bad, and in this case, it most definitely is for the greater good. Afterall, why waste your right to vote? Do leave a comment telling me any thoughts you may have about this week's entry (which will be the last by the way)!


gnoruhs said...

I think the video is pretty effective, I got the message that it was trying to convey. If they didn't feature celebrities, I would have closed the window long ago. Hah.

Quinn said...

Hi Chris..

This is yet another one of your very interesting entry. Firstly, well done for the great analysis. I agree with your point that we are influenced by the celebraties. After all, it creates some kind of credibility to the advertisment.

Moving on to the medium the advertisers adopt in advertising the voting campaign. Indeed it is a clever move. I read an article from my CSE 111 module and it stated that nowdays youths prefer going online to Youtube and view videos instead of watching the television. Probably becuase it's more flexible and convenient.

The media have repeatedly broadcast news about the voting campaign of the Americans hence you are quite right in applyin the Agenda Setting function media theory to this.

Media is definitely influential. However, we as audience should always be catious and not end up being slaves of media.

Abby said...

I spend more time on youtube that I do in front of the tv. Youtube's definitely a great way to reach out to youths out there!!!!

PS: I'm a sucker for those ads by celebs...


Anonymous said...

I agree that these days, the influence that media has on anyone can be so great. Media can be depicted in many forms. From web to print, television to radio, it's basically everywhere!

Youtube is definitely one of the many ways to spread any messages that you have. Not only for conveying important messages like the one you showed, but certain movies even made use of Youtube to show related viral clips as a form of pre-release promotion. Indeed a smart way of marketing.

Moving on to another point, I do believe that every youth should make it a point to vote. That is because they have a part to play in shaping the future of the society. Yes, it was said that the reason why people should vote is because of issues such as the war, education and economy. But I feel that the most important reason why anyone should vote, not just youth, is that, have a say on who and how you want your country to be governed. It is a matter of placing trust onto the party that you are voting for. Trust to lead the country for a better tomorrow. That will be the day when, we can finally see a future that we all had previously wished for.

silent reverie said...

MAn, i really enjoyed watching the videos. Especially the first one.. HAHA. There's Natalie Portman!! -gRinz-

Ahem. Anw, yea, the producers of the video did a brilliant job, i would say. They got so many celebrities to star in these 2 videos, and it was quite funny, really. Even that short appearance of Kevin Bacon shows him to be very seasoned.. "But we've got to go.."

Digressing aside, the brains behind the video were smart to use the internet medium, as most youths today spend huge amounts of time online, and even took the effort to remind the young people that they have to register first, before they are able to vote.

reminding people about the importance of voting, because every single vote counts and matters, is simply stating the truth. YEt it is a simple and powerful truth, one that people often forget about when they give in to lethargy or procrastination or plain indifference. That's dumb. Then again, maybe there are potential voters out there who truly are not well-informed of the differences between the candidates, and their policies and what it would mean if either got into office.

But that's beside the point, i guess. Democracy works because the people a voice.

"of the people, by the people, for the people".

if people don't care, it just won't work.

Nichika said...

Its sad to see that they have to put much effort and come out with such videos to persuade people to vote. It shows that people of the new generation are taking their lifes for granted.
Also, the purpose for voting may be changed by this video, instead of voting because you agree and support your choosen presidential candidate, people were forced to vote because of peer pressure and they didnt want themselves to be left out.

Jeanette said...

there's this singer who actually commented that she lost all respect for those celebrities who openly state which candidate that they are supporting. it is as if americans do not know how to judge for themselves.

using stars to promote the importance of voting-we only see
that in the states huh.
i mean, this is a super good strategy to create awareness among the people that they are the ones creating the future of their nation.

going back to the point, its wonderful to promote the importance of voting but i share the same viewpoint of that singer.
should the singer is actually supporting a lousier candidate and the fans of the singer are following suit?
voting is sacred and it should be by individual's judgement.

Chrissy said...

Jeanette: I believe you're talking about Carrie Underwood! Yups, I heard about that too. But those 2 videos shown are actually done to encourage voting - not to vote for a SPECIFIC politician.